Contact Ascot Tiling
New Developments Sector
We welcome the opportunity to tender for your development and will compile through pdf plans, scopes, addendums or discussion, to site surveys, to create a fully broken down tender with labour, tiles and consumables itemised separately for your perusal, to include an excel chart of quants to room and plot, and associated worddoc tender maximising your quantity surveyors / Assessors time to make fully informed decisions on your wall and floor tiling packages. As major Wall and floor tiling contractors, we are flexible to all programmes and timescales, our method statements and risk assessments are thorough and site specific to meet the constantly changing and ever demanding need to be health and safety conscious in our arena.
Domestic Sector
We also welcome the chance to discuss, survey and quote for your new project, from a single bathroom to a multi room project, again detailing your project broken down into labour & materials for your perusal. With our large team of tilers, we can usually install within 10 days if required.
Please use our online submission form for any enquiries.